Monday, July 6, 2009


I am now showing the Mandalas that I have produced for the art walk which is in only 4 days from now. I am trying to get organized, and it is quite a task! I am sure that I am not the only artist who is a bit stressed at the moment!
I will tell you a bit about what each mandala signifies to me.
This one is about loving the earth. The four 'figures' in the middle represent people who have come together to protect the earth and make us all realize that the earth is fragile. This is indicated by the glass grit that I have used in four of the spaces alternating with the trees.
This mandala is 8 x 8 and it is painted with acrylic on canvas.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Donna

    I've had your husband (Paul) do some renovation work for me. He's a very nice guy and said I should check out your art online. Too bad I missed the art walk or I would have seen you and your work.

    I found the Chakra pieces very ingriguing since I'm revamping a Reiki course for my massage therapist right now. We;re re-designing her manuals; I'm going to pass along your info to her because perhaps you both could work something out to have one of your pictures on her title page. And I understand your daughter does Reiki as well, so perhaps they are already spoken for!

    Paul encouraged me to arrange to come by sometime and see your beautiful brush strokes - would love to. Happy painting!
